The motor itself is easy to fit, just a rubber lined strap and a couple of bolts see it secured into place. A little more tricky is the bundy tube which the drive cable runs through and goes to each wiper spindle. I decided to bend the bundy tube to roughly match the curvature of the body in this area and cut it to length afterwards. I'm glad I did as now that it's all bolted up, everything seems fairly neat without any sharp bends which should lead to smooth running.
Of course it hasn't been tested yet and I could live to regret these words. The other issue yet to face is which way the wiper blades will park when the motor is switched off. There's a small plastic ramp inside the motor which dictates whether the wipers park on the left or right. Which way round the spindles are fitted also has a bearing on this, i.e. with the cable passing over the top or underneath the drive wheel. Although the motor came with a small note showing which way round the ramp was installed, I couldn't relate it to which way round I've installed the spindles so this will have to be determined by trial and error. I'm not the first to face this and looking at pictures on other's build sites it doesn't seem too difficult to change the ramp round, I just need to work out how to get some power to the motor to determine which way round mine will work.
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