I'm waiting on some wiring to extend the heated seat loom before I start on the carpets. Meanwhile I've pressed ahead with the dash. I started off by placing the dash blank on the foam, drawing round it allowing for a little extra to wrap around the edges and then cutting it out. With hindsight, I feel than sticking the foam to the dash first and cutting it out after would have been easier. The reason being that the foam stretches and after I'd cut it out I realised that it wasn't exactly straight when I drew round the blank so after I'd cut it out it was slightly banana shaped and royal pain in the proverbial to line up with the dash afterwards, especially once I'd covered both pieces in evostick and the magnetic like attraction this stuff seems to have towards anything within reach. Got myself in a right old state !

Anyway, once the foam was stuck on I cut out the holes for the various gauges and switches. I found it left a neater hole by cutting the holes out from the back rather than the front. I think the main reason for this is that the foam has a net like covering on the side which is stuck to the dash and cutting through this first, from the back, seemed to give a firmer surface to cut against so providing a cleaner cut. After that, I pressed on and stuck the leather on as well. The leather is only glued around the edge on the reverse side so it can stretch across the face. You can see a vertical line left in the middle of the dash which is ironically, where I hung the leather over a coat hanger to get rid of any creases ! Two hours later as I type this, the line has all but disappeared and is coincidently right through the middle of the area I need to cut out for the gauges so there's plenty of opportunity to pull this area tight if need be. Not the most enjoyable part of the build for me but quite pleased how it's turning out so far. Next step will be to finish the ends which I've chosen to leave until the rest of the glue has dried, then I have to cut out the holes in the leather for the switches and gauges etc.
With the sun setting and a picture taken at an angle, it's never going to look worse than this. All in all I'm quite pleased... and relieved !