Because the bolt was held securely, this made it a lot easier to work with as I didn't have to worry about holding it in place while I fitted some P clips around the cylindrical connectors. I used two at the bottom and a third separated by a short length of steel tube at the top. The bolt is a little longer than needed so I may swap it for a shorter one when I come to fit the nyloc.
Not the best pictures in the world but you can just make out the three p-clips and the short length of steel tube. I've used a stainless M5 repair washer underneath to spread the load. Another reason for fitting the bolt from the inside up rather than outside down is that I didn't want to take a risk with the end of the bolt protruding into the footwell area and posing a potential hazard to the occupant. Because of where it is I'm not sure whether it would be an an IVA issue but either way, better safe than sorry.
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