GD427 in action

GD427 in action

Saturday 24 March 2012

Low Oil Warning Light !

Weren't too sure what to do with this. The LS3, being a modern engine, has provision for a low oil level light built into the sump. The sender also provides a signal for a hot oil warning light. I hadn't intended to do anything with these but I also wanted to protect the sender in case I wanted it in the future. In the end, whilst trying to work out what the plug the hole with to protect the contacts I thought I might as well get the proper connector and wire it up. I'm still not sure exactly how I'm going to use the output, I thought I might simply wire a buzzer instead of a light for the low oil level which would be heard when you switch the ignition on. I guess in reality, with the amount of miles I'll be doing and the frequency of use, low oil won't ever be a problem, it's not like it's a big deal to use the dipstick anyway.

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